Saturday, December 15, 2012


Good Evening.

As I'm getting ready to go to John and Jenn's for my birthday blog dinner (yes, it's a Saturday... I'm going to need a full day to work off the hangover), I feel like I need to say something about the tragedy that struck our state on Friday morning.  I cannot in good faith come online tomorrow without mentioning it and post about a party and food and friends, and I do not want to mention it in one sentence and then switch gears.  It would just seem disrespectful.  So here goes...

The three of us live in a town called Norwalk, CT.  We are approximately 45 minutes from Newtown, CT.  On Friday, as everyone knows by now, a young man entered an elementary school and brutally massacred 26 people, 20 of which where small children, and then killed himself.  His mother was found slain in their family home.  Naturally, this is a horrific occurrence, and it has shocked, saddened, and devastated our state, our nation, and our world.  The thought that these innocent children were taken from this Earth so young is incomprehensible.  It is devastating to hear of the deaths of truly heroic teachers who sacrificed themselves to save students' lives. 

Needless to say that our state is mourning this weekend, as is the rest of the nation.  The words of support from everyone around the world can be found on social media sites, in the news, and through friends and family and it is truly appreciated.  As our Governor said - "Evil has visited our community." 

Our hearts and prayers go out to all the people affected by this truly horrific tragedy.  As I read on one social media site - heaven has gained 20 angels and 6 warriors. 

1 comment:

  1. Amen

    At a time when children are supposed to be looking forward to the innocence and magic of Christmas, it is stolen by a senseless and selfish act of violence. At some point the escalation of these horrific types of cases has to be ebbed. It is past time to stand up and say NO MORE!

    We need to expect more from ourselves and accept less from these tragedies. It is not good enough to feel bad and be forever changed by this type of insanity. We, as parents, leaders, and as a nation, need to change this path now.
    The idea of another "slipping through the cracks" in not acceptable. Each of us needs to expect more from our leaders and ourselves to turn this corner of violence and one-upmanship in the world of tragedy and loss of our core values.
    It is NOT Ok!
